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Downloadable and Streaming Media: Digital Magazines and Newspapers

Download ebooks, audiobooks, video and magazines from your library.

Digital Magazines

Print Magazines and Newspapers

Please see our periodicals list for our current selection of hard-copy magazines and newspapers.

Digital Newspapers

Digital Newspapers

  • Newspaper Source Plus – full-text newspapers from around the U.S. and the World, including The Washington Post. Click ‘Publications’ at the top to find individual newspapers. NPR and other radio transcripts are also included. Please note, Grand Junction’s The Daily Sentinel does not participate in this database. Library card required from home.
  • New York Times – Get unlimited access to the latest articles, news, and multimedia from The New York Times. Includes access to articles from 1851 to present day. To re-activate access, re-visit the NYT Digital Access setup.
  • The Washington Post - Get unlimited access to the latest articles, news, and multimedia from The Washington Post.

    The Washington Post in-library use access - no account needed when in a library location.
    The Washington Post at-home use access - After creating a free account, get unrestricted offsite access to The Washington Post for 7 days. On the eighth day, use this link again for a new 7-day access pass.